Goa University invites application for the post of Assistant professor in analytical chemistry Last date: 07/04/2014

 Taleigao Plateau, Goa - 403 206 INDIA

Information Brochure to the applicants for applying to the posts of 
Associate Professor and Assistant Professors in Chemistry (Analytical) 
tenable for a period of two years. 

Applications are invited in the prescribed form for the post Associate 
Professor and Assistant Professors in Chemistry (Analytical) together with the 
attested copies of certificates and testimonials. The application form can be 
downloaded from University website www.unigoa.ac.in. 

 No. of Posts: 02
Application Fees : 500/- 
 250/- for SC/ST candidates 
 US$ 50 for candidates from abroad 

The application fee as indicated above should be paid by Demand Draft 
drawn in favour of the Registrar, Goa University payable at Panaji, Goa. The 
details regarding educational qualifications/experience etc. are given in the 
Information Brochure accompanying the application form. Applications duly 
completed in all respects along with the prescribed application fee and relevant 
enclosure shall be submitted to the Registrar, Goa University on or before 

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