(An autonomous Institution under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Institute of Physics Campus, PP.O.- Sainik School, Bhubaneswwar-751005
(Research && Development Section)
Applications from Indian nationals are invited for one temporary position of
Project Fellow under thhe project “Synthessis and BBioactivitty Screening of
Marine Indole Alkaloids and related anaalogues” in the School of Chemical
Sciences, NISERR, Bhubanneswar funnded by MooES, Govtt. of India.
Projecct Felloww:
QUALIIFICATIOON: 1) M. SSc Chemisstry with 660% of marrks (Experirience in syynthetic
chemistry is prefeerable)
2) Canddidates shoould have aa valid GATTE score or qualified CCSIR-UGC--NET/NETT-LS.
FELLOOWSHIP: AAs per Insttitute normms.
AGE: BBelow 28 yeears as on 15.02.20133, age relaxxation to enntitled cateegories as pper DST
Last DDate of Recceipt of Appplicationn: 15.02.20 13
The abbove posiition is ppurely temmporary ffor a period of onne year and not
leadin ng to any PPhD degreee in NISEER but strictly co-terminus wwith the pproject.
It wouuld, thereefore, nott confer any righht/ claim, implicit, or explicit for
consideration/ absorption against any NISER post.
Interessted candiddates should submit an applicaation duly filled in aall respect in the
proformma only, ass available in page 2 2 & 3 of thhis documennt with recent passport size
photogrraph pasteed on it to “The Administtrative Officer-III (R&D), NISER,
Instituute of Phyysics Camppus, Po- SSainik Schhool, Bhubbaneswar--751005”. Original
documents shouldd be produced at the time of interview. The selection will be made on
the basis of interrview of suitable canndidates aand date wwill be commmunicatedd to the
shortlissted candiidate lateer. Candiddates are requested to ssuperscribbe the
advertisement NNo. i.e. “AAdvertisemment No.: NISER/MooES/CH 09913/05/20113” and
the name of thee post on tthe top off the enveelope. In aabsence off which, itt bears
the risk of not bbeing connsidered. CCandidatess may sendd soft copy of the appplication
along with commplete Bioo-data by email tto: in and ccopy to Howeever, hard copy of the appliccation alonng with
required documennts must reach by the above menntioned date.
No TA//DA will be paid to thee candidatee, if called ffor intervieew or joininng the posittion.