(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Kolkata-32, website: www.cgcri.res.in
A Walk-in-Interview will be held on 22.02.2013 at 11-00 AM at this Institute to engage bonafide Indian
citizens for two positions of Project Assistant for working in a project entitled “Development of High
Alumina Aggregates from Sillimanite Beach Sand and its Application in Refractory Castable (SSP 0423)” and “Development of Value Added High Alumina Refractory Products from Indian Bauxite (SSP 0424)”.
Qualifications: Diploma in Ceramic/Mechanical/Metallurgical engineering or B.Sc. in Chemistry.
Age: Upper Limit is 28 years (as on 01.01.2013) which is relaxable upto 5 years in the case of
candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/OBC/women/Physically
handicapped applicants.
Stipend: Rs.10000/- (consolidated) per month.
Tenure: One year or co-terminus with the duration of Project, whichever is earlier.
Interested candidates are requested to attend the above Walk-in-Interview along with Application Form &
Bio-Data in the prescribed format as given herein under, duly filled in all the columns enclosing self attested
copies of each supporting documents/certificates. The original certificates should also be brought
with him/her at the time of interview for verification. The candidates should carry copies of their
project thesis with them, if any. The candidates should report at least one hour before the
scheduled time of interview for verification of documents. Incomplete applications without
prescribed format and supporting documents will be summarily rejected. However, CSIR-CGCRI reserves
the right not to fill up the post, if it so desires. The decision of the Institute shall be final in this behalf.
Interim enquiries in this respect will not be entertained.