(A Constituent College of Anna University)
DEAN Phone 044-27264115
Recruitment of Teaching Fellow
Applications are invited in the prescribed format along with attested copies of
certificates, supporting Qualification, experience and other information, for a few
temporary teaching positions, which are likely to arise, in the following disciplines of the
University College of Engineering, Kanchipuram
Sl.No Specialization Number of vacancy
01 chemistry 03
Selected Candidates will be appointed on temporary basis up to May 2013 with a
Consolidated pay of Rs. 20,000/ -PM.
1. Mechanical/CSE/EEE/ECE: B.E/B.Tech and M.E./M.Tech in relevant branches
with First Class
2. Chemistry/Mathematics/Physics/English : M.A. /M.Sc with M.Phil with a First
Class or M.A/M.Sc with Net/SLET or PhD will be preferred.
Eligible and interested candidates may send their application by post to:
(A Constituent College of Anna University) Bhaktavatsalam Polytechnic Campus
Karaipettai Village & Post, Kanchipuram – 631 552 on or before 17.12.2012, 05.00 PM.
Those who have responded to our earlier advertisement need not
apply again.
Candidates should appear for the interview with their original certificates.
The envelope containing the application should be superscribed with
‘UCEK/TF/Recruitment-2/Kanchipuram/2012, Dated’ 05-12-2012
No TA /DA will be admissible for attending interview.