G.E. Road, Raipur – 492010 (CG)
Sr. No. : 1
Name of the
Name of the Post:
Technical Assistant
Laboratory Assistant
No of Posts to
be advertised: 01 for each
Educational Qualification:
Diploma in Engineering in appropriate field.
Bachelors degree in Science in appropriate field.
Laboratory Assistant
Diploma in Engineering in appropriate field.
B.Sc degree in appropriate field.
Senior Secondary (10+2) and ITI Course of one year or higher duration in appropriate field.
Matric with atleast 50% marks+ITI Certificate of two year duration in appropriate field.
1. Registration will close on 11 AM. Any candidate reporting after 11 AM will not be
entertained for interviews on the dates given above.
2. Separate application forms need to be filled for different posts.
3. The period of contract is six (06) months only or till regular appointment is made,
whichever is earlier.
4. Before applying, candidate should read the complete advertisement carefully and
ensure that he/she fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria of post stated in the
advertisement in all respect.
5. The Application form on prescribed proforma must accompany photograph, self
attested copies of certificates, marks sheets, experience etc.
6. Candidates will be interviewed only after scrutiny of education & experience
7. In case where the number of applicants for a post become extraordinarily high, the
Institute has reserves its right to restrict the number of applicants by fixing higher
qualifications / experience as yard stick granting eligibility for the interview.
8. Mere fulfilling of eligibility criteria shall not confer any right to the applicant for
short listing / appointment.
9. Although some vacancies have been shown department-wise for internal
administrative purposes, the Institute reserves the right to assign/ transfer the selected
candidates to any department and appointment will be offered accordingly.
10. Depending on the requirement, the Institute reserves the right to Cancel / restrict/
curtail /increase the no. of post(s) and the engagement process, if need so arises,
without any further notice and without assigning any reason and its decision in this
regard shall be final.
11. The Institute reserves the right to rectify any discrepancy of this advertisement, if
found later on.
12. Any corrigendum/ addendum/errata in respect of the above advertisement shall be
made available only at our Institute web site No further press
advertisement will be given. Hence prospective applicants are advised to visit
NITRR web site regularly for above purpose.
13. The decision of Director, NIT Raipur in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance,
rejection of the application form, interview, verification of testimonials and selection
will be final and binding on the candidates.
14. Interim correspondence will not be entertained or replied to.
15. Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification.
16. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
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